Seeing Through the Fogg

November 2016 — Cambridge, MA

A final project for the Harvard course CS171: Data Visualizations created in Fall 2016 using D3, JavaScript, and the Harvard Art Museum's API. Excitingly, we won class prize for Best Visualization Catered to Client!

Collaborators: Katherine Harrison & Maria Roberts (McLaughlin)

6,000 Pieces in the Harvard Art Museum's collection from 1800 to today.

“The Harvard Art Museum, with its vast collection of works, serves as an ideal teaching tool for students, however, its very strength in size presents a daunting task when it comes to visualizing its capabilities.

Ever wondered what regions are the root to saturations of art? Curious about how to anchor pieces by time and compare them with one another? Have you ever thought about finding works by their predominant color?

Scratch your head no more! Our website presents users with three visual tools to peruse the Harvard Art Museum's collection in an interactive, colorful, and digestible way!"

Video Demo for the final project of Harvard’s CS171 (Data Visualization) course.

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